2015, Number 2
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EduMeCentro 2015; 7 (2)
System of teaching tasks for the independent work in the Herbal and Folk medicine
Juviel RMN, Trujillo JP
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 36-50
PDF size: 229.37 Kb.
Background: the independent work is a modality of the teaching organization which contributes to the learning of the students to study by their own. It stimulates the creative activity and the proper habits formation for self upgrading.
Objective: to design a system of teaching tasks to develop the ability of independent work through the Herbal and Folk Medicine.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in Aguada de Pasajeros
University Site in the academic year 2012-2013. Theoretical methods were used: Analysissynthesis,
inductive-deductive and historical-logical. Empiric methods: Documentary
analysis, observation and an interview to professors and students and the criteria of
specialists for the valuation of the proposal.
Results: the career syllabus is well designed for the development of the independent work,
however, it was not sufficiently emphasized in the subject syllabus, nor the links of theory
and practice. It could be stated that in the activities which were observed the students had limitations in the development of the independent work ability, the professors have realized that the students need more time and help to do the tasks, that´s why it was designed a
system of teaching tasks where the pedagogical bases of the didactic foundations are predominant.
Conclusions: the system of teaching tasks was satisfactorily valued by the specialists who stated its feasibility, pertinence, and scientific accuracy, so it can be applied and generalized by other health institutions.
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