2014, Number 613
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2014; 71 (613)
Fibrilación auricular: Manejo actualizado
Piñar SG
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 823-825
PDF size: 529.59 Kb.
Atrial Fibrillation is the most
usual cardiac arrhythmia, the
number of people affected will
increase in the coming years
due to the againg of the world
population. For doctors is of
great importance to be able to
make a correct diagnosis to be
capatable to give the appropiate
and individualized treatment,
for which the management
recommendations are based on
the treatment guides published
in 2014.
Borys. B. and Timothy E. (2011) Electrocardiografía En La Práctica Clínica Adulto y Pediátrico. Venezuela. 6ª Edición. AMOLCA.
Eckel. R., Jakicic. J., Ard. J., etc (2013) Guineline on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk. American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.
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Furie. K., Goldstein. L., Albers. G., etc (2012) Oral Antithrombotic Agents For The Prevention Of Stroke In Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. American Heart Association and American Stroke Association.
Healey. S., Connolly. S., Gold. M., etc (2012) Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation And Rick Of Stroke. New England Journal Of Medicine.
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Morgan. E., Mikhail. M., Murray. M., (2009) Clinical Anesthesiology. México, 4º Edición. El Manual Moderno.
Nishimura. A., Otto. C., Bonow. R., (2014) Guineline for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease. American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.
Skanes. A., Heanley. J., Cairns. A., etc (2012) Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines: Recomendations for stroke prevention and rate/rhythm control. Canadian Cardiovascular Society.
Stone. N., Robinson. J., Lichtenstein. A., etc (2013) Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Choresterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults. American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.