2014, Number 613
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2014; 71 (613)
Pancreatitis autoinmune
Muñoz JG
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 765-771
PDF size: 588.05 Kb.
Autoimmune pancreatitis
(AIP) is considered a special
form of chronic pancreatitis
characterized by a systemic
inflammatory process which
involves not only the pancreas
but also to other organs. It
occurs primarily in men and
was first described in the Asian
population. Its diagnosis is
important because autoimmune
pancreatitis may mimic
pancreatic cancer and due to
its diagnostic difficulty patients
could undergo unnecessary
surgery instead of drawing
on initial medical treatment.
Histological examination of the
lesion is the gold standard for a differential diagnosis of both
entities. Therefore, the aim of
the present review is to talk
about the most common clinical
manifestations of AIP, imaging
methods and diagnostic
criteria, with the aim of a better
understanding about how the
subject contributes to a better
diagnostic and therapeutic
behavior most appropriate for
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