2015, Number 02
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MediSan 2015; 19 (02)
Pedagogical strategy for the vocational training in biomedical sciences
García GÁ, Querts MO, Martínez GF, Quesada VS
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 266-272
PDF size: 213.54 Kb.
The inadequacies in the training orientation of the scientific-medical contents in
correspondence to the understanding, explanation and interpretation of the human being
that limit the logic of the medicine professionals performance and their future acting,
were treated through the dynamics of the vocational training process in biomedical
sciences taking place in the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba. For
such a reason, the elaboration of a pedagogical strategy was drawn for the training of the
biomedical sciences professional, contributing to the improvement of the basic cycle of
the medicine career as for the study of the human organism with a holistic vision. The
scientific relevance of the investigative results was evaluated, the partial application of
the pedagogical strategy proposed was carried out, and a social impact was achieved in
the improvement of the general doctor training process, which brings the transformation
of his acting, as it offers a solution to the health problems that he should face in the care
to the individual, the family and the community.
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