2015, Number 02
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MediSan 2015; 19 (02)
Characterization of patients with primary neoplasias of the hepatobiliopancreatic segment
Romaguera BD, Kénol SS, León GWL, Cisneros DCM, Rodríguez FZ, Rodríguez LH
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 158-168
PDF size: 162.06 Kb.
An observational, descriptive and longitudinal study of 60 patients with primary cancer
of the hepato-bilio-pancreatic segment, operated and discharged alive from the
General Surgery Service of "Saturnino Lora Torres" Teaching Provincial Hospital in
Santiago de Cuba was carried out from 2005 to 2011, with the aim of characterizing
them according to selected variables. Among the most frequent localizations there
were: pancreas, liver, vesicle and biliary extrahepatic pathways, in patients of the sixth
decade of the life, male sex; although the tumour of biliary vesicle prevailed in the
females. The clinical staging of most corresponded to the most advanced states,
limited to the surgical palliative treatment. Patients with risk factors should be
classified in the primary health care areas, so as to go to the secondary level in initial
stages of the disease, and they can receive the surgical treatment with healing
purposes, which improves their prognosis and life quality.
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