2014, Number 2
Epidemiology of dental caries in the Venezuelan population under age 19
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 208-218
PDF size: 196.00 Kb.
Introduction: dental caries is a chronic, infectious, multifactorial and communicable, highly prevalent disease during childhood; because of its magnitude and significance it is a public health problem.Objective: to describe the epidemiology of dental caries in the Venezuelan children under 19 years.
Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study of 370 children under age 19 who attended the popular clinic of Barrio Adentro ("Mission Inside the Neighborhood") in 2010; a sample of 111 children was selected by the simple random sampling method, which were interrogated and to which it was performed clinical buccal examination with artificial light in the stomatological consultation, aided by buccal plane mirrors and explorer. As statistical test it was used chi-square and results were presented in tables with absolute and relative frequencies.
Results: involvement of dental caries was 86.0 %. The CEOD index reported figures of 3.37 and CPOD index 2.74. The molars were the most affected, for a 78.49 %. The carious lesion type 2 was the most frequent with 43.94 %.
Conclusions: the prevalence of dental caries was high, affecting more the temporal dentition than the permanent one, and the molar teeth, with no difference between the dental arches. The lesions with severity type 2 were predominant, thus demonstrating the low culture of timely dental care to detect and treat precociously these lesions.
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