2015, Number 1
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Mul Med 2015; 19 (1)
Artistic activities, a way to strengthen the patriotism value in medical students
Calixto DL, Chávez RM, Cañadilla SL, García CLM, Miranda EE
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 208.84 Kb.
Introduction: in the last decades the problems related to the values have acquired a special connotation and they have become the focus of meditations, not only because of the role that they play in the development of the society, but also for the complexity of the moment.
Objective: to show the results of a system of artistic activities directed to strengthen the patriotism value, on the basis of the main events, with the integration of artistic and intellectual skills that improve the cultural and political level of the students.
there were selected 119 students of the Subsidiary of Medical Sciences belonging to the Movement of Amateur Artists, using scientific methods of investigation that ascertained the need of a system of activities that contributed to eradicate the difficulties found in the features that determine the patriotism value. It was applied the observation, survey, interview, documentary study, and the Pedagogical Experiment, in addition there were used the Historical-logical; Analysis and Synthesis; Induction Deduction and Systemic-Structural–Functional methods.
Results: the application of the system of activities allowed the strengthening of the patriotism value in the students of the Medical Sciences, what was demonstrated when comparing the results of the initial and final diagnosis manifested in the existence of significant differences.
Conclusions: it is possible to strengthen the patriotism value through the system of activities based on the different artistic demonstrations, upon the basis of the events development, which was demonstrated from the results obtained in the pre-experiment.
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