2015, Number 1
Retro-peritoneal gonadal seminoma as an infrequent cause of mechanic intestinal occlusion. A case presentation
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Introduction: the testicular neoplasias of germinal cells are between 1-3 % of tumors in men and 4% of all tumors of the genital urinary system. The frequency of these neoplasias has increased and it has become more frequent in young men of 20 to 40 years, with an average age of 32 years and an incidence in the most productive stage of the person.Case presentation: it is presented the case of a 53 year old patient, assisted in the emergency service of surgery at Carlos Manuel de Céspedes General Teaching Province Hospital in June, 2013, with the diagnostic of mechanical intestinal occlusion.
Discussion: testicular cancer is a paradigm of a curable tumor and nowadays there are designed new strategies of treatment to obtain, on one hand, a better survival in the patients with worse prognosis, and on the other hand, the late toxicities are attempted to be reduced. The disease is reduced in clinical stage I in 70 % of the cases, with the absence of regional metastasis in the distance, with a healing rate over 95 %, no matter if the post orchiectomy adjuvant therapy is provided or not.
Conclusion: with this presentation it is intended to present an infrequent case of mechanical intestinal occlusion, updating the knowledge about the testicular tumors and emphasizing the importance of the proper physical examination of genitals in the consultations, performed by pediatricians, family doctors, clinics and surgeons, who favor a precocious diagnosis of cryptorchidism and other genital anomalies, to avoid the gonadal cancer, easily diagnosed with a proper use of the clinical method.
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