2015, Number 1
Educative intervention, healthy and happy sexuality directed to sixth graders at 'Camilo Cienfuegos' semi-internal school. 2012
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: the adolescence is defined as a life stage between childhood and adulthood, it occurs since 10 to 19 years old and it is characterized by deep biological, psychological and social transformations; some of them are generators of essentially positive crisis, conflicts and contradictions.Objective: to increase the level of knowledge about sexuality in sixth graders at Camilo Cienfuegos Semi internal school.
Method: it was performed an educative intervention study directed to sixth grade students in the period between January to March, 2012, the universe of study was made by 45 students of the semi internal school and the sample agreed with the population. It was applied a survey at the beginning of the investigation, there were detected the educative needs about the subject, it was implemented the educative intervention and it was evaluated its final impact. Then the content was evidenced in charts of frequency distribution, applying the numbers and percentages.
Results: after analyzing the level of information about sexuality in the surveyed students it could be checked that in both sexes prevailed the inadequate category, represented by 71% in men and 29 % in females, which demonstrates the scarce information of adolescents about this topic.
Conclusions: the intervention increased the students’ level of knowledge about sexuality, and their ways of behavior were modified.
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