2015, Number 1
Guía de práctica clínica. Intervenciones de enfermería en la atención del adulto con traumatismo craneoencefálico grave
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 43-49
PDF size: 219.96 Kb.
Introduction: At first world countries head injury is one of the main dead causes between 15-24 years; after this age incidence reaches between 60-65 years, Head injury can potentially disrupt the life of the individual, their family, society and the health care system.Objective: To provide recommendations based on the best avalible evidence with the intention of standardizing actions in the care of the adult with a severe head injury.
Methodology: Clinical questions were formulated. A sequence that is standardized for the pursuit of clinical practice guidelines in English or Spanish language, starting from the key words: severe traumatic, brain injury, nursing, complications and interventions was established. In additi on, Data bases as: Cochrane Library Plus, AHRQ, SING, GIB and Fisterra were consulted. The majority of the recommendations were taken from selected clinical guidelines. The information is expressed in levels of evidence (E) and grade of recommendati on (R), in accordance with the characteristics of the design and type of study of the publications.
Conclusions: It is possible to give ti mely and efficient specialized nursing care to patients with severe head injury. Neurointensive care nursing staff has an important role in the maintenance of cerebral self-regulation.
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