2015, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2015; 23 (1)
Capacidad funcional física y necesidades humanas del adulto mayor
Arteaga-Hernández MI, Segovia-Díaz de León MG, Pérez-Rodríguez MC, Cruz-Ortiz M
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 17-26
PDF size: 219.81 Kb.
Introduction: The increase in the elderly population and socio-cultural changes that it presents
have increased the incidence of chronic and degenerative diseases. These changes have led to
reassess the hospital care to ensure that these patients adapt to their social environment and
disease stage does not impair its functional and intellectual capacity, and their basic human needs
are covered, both when admission and at hospital discharge.
Objective: To identify the relati onship between the functional capability in activiti es of daily living
and human needs of seniors who leaves from the internal medicine and surgery services in a
public hospital.
Methodology: An study of cross-secti on with quanti tati ve approach was conducted. Barthel Scale,
the instrument for the evaluation of Virginia Henderson and the Short Portable Mental Status
Questionnaire of Pfeiffer were used to collect the data.
Results: 185 questionaries were applied to seniors with a mean age 72 years. Found significant differences
between age and dependence, as more older existed more dependende. Women were
those who had the highest proportion of dependence.
Conclusions: According with Virginia Henderson´s classification, most of the identified needs were
not satisfied. These results indicate the need to improve and increase care during hospitalizati on,
as well as training to family caregivers.
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