2015, Number 01
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MediSan 2015; 19 (01)
Effectiveness of an educational program in patients with risky diabetic foot
Pereira DOL, Palay DMS, Frómeta RV, Neyra BRM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 69-77
PDF size: 270.94 Kb.
An educational therapeutic intervention study was carried out in patients with diabetic
foot of risk, assisted in the Diabetic Angiopathy Department of "Saturnino Lora Torres"
Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2011 to the same
month of 2013, in order to determine the effectiveness of an educational program
(moment of the intervention) on this respect. The previous ulcer or amputation, the
outlying peripheral neuropathy with loss of protective sensation, the peripheral artery
disease, the hyperkeratosis and the serious disorder of the fingernails, the foot
deformity, the reduced articular mobility, the inadequate shoes, tabaquism, the advanced
age, the long clinical course of diabetes mellitus and the lack of diabetological education
in diabetic foot, were all indications of diabetic foot of risk (moment of the diagnosis).
The information was analyzed and processed by means of Mann-Whitney hypothesis test
and that of means comparison, with an error of 5%, and it was obtained that with this
program (evaluation moment), there was a decrease in the damage that the diabetic foot causes to the social, working and family activities of these people, as well as in the high
economic cost, either for them or for the health system.
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