2015, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2015; 37 (1)
Floral therapy in the care of the terminal patient and his/her relatives
Franquiz RD
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 39-52
PDF size: 79.15 Kb.
In the current work we carried out a review on the theme of the care of the
terminal patient and his/her relatives from the view of the floral therapy. We
mentioned the stages through which passes a terminal patient proposed by the Swiss psychiatrist Elizabeth Kübler Ross. We referred the therapeutic system using
floral essences, elaborated by the English physician Edward Bach and suggested
several essences that might be useful in each of the stages, both for the patient
and for the relatives; we also mentioned the care to relatives after the decease of
the beloved being in help for a better travel through the mourning period and for a
faster reincorporation to life. We emphasized the goodness of floral therapy, with
regards to its effectiveness and easy application, harmless, low cost and the
increasing demand of this therapy from the part of the population. We carried out a
documental analysis of classic texts on the theme of Thanatology and Floral
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