2014, Number 5
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Rev Invest Clin 2014; 66 (5)
Intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms in pregnant Mexican women: national survey results
Lara MA, Natera-Rey G, Berenzon S, Juárez-García F, Villatoro-Velázquez JA, Nieto L, Medina-Mora ME
Language: English
References: 44
Page: 431-438
PDF size: 154.45 Kb.
Objectives. To analyze the link between intimate partner violence
(IPV) reported in the past year and depressive symptoms
in pregnant Mexican women.
Material and methods.
The data were obtained from the National Addictions Survey
(ENA) 2008. For the purposes of this paper, we analyzed a
sample of women over 18 who reported being pregnant at the
time of the interview (n = 250). When this number is weighted
at the population level, it represents 881,575 women
across the country. The χ
2 test was used to analyze demographic
characteristics, prevalence of depressive symptoms
and intimate partner violence. A multiple logistic regression
was performed to estimate predictors of depressive symptoms
during pregnancy.
Results. The prevalence of any type of intimate
partner violence (IPV) was 5.4% and of depressive
symptoms was 16.2% (CES-D ≥ 16). A total of 53.4% of pregnant
women who reported IPV during the past year had depressive
symptoms whereas this occurred in 14.1% of those
who had not been victimized. The variables that predicted
depressive symptoms during pregnancy were having been a
victim of IPV (OR = 6.23) and having nine years or less of
schooling (OR = 5.26). Working outside the home and family
income level did not increase the risk of depressive symptoms
in this population.
Conclusions. This population
study, representative at the national level, provides an initial
overview of the link between intimate partner violence
and depressive symptoms in pregnant women in México. The
results highlight the need to expand research on the topics
covered, as well as to detect both phenomena in a timely
manner during pregnancy in order to propose the necessary
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