2014, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2014; 81 (3)
Mastitis granulomatosa idiopática
Vargas-Hernández VM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 174-181
PDF size: 329.45 Kb.
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, benign chronic disease with diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties, because of its
similarity to breast cancer; occurs at an average age of 32 to 36 years; during handling and monitoring, some worse or the
disease progresses; microbiological cultures for bacteria, fungi, parasites, and tuberculosis; are generally negative and
imaging studies were discarded common conditions and are useful for diagnosis; clinical manifestations are the presence
of breast mass with signs of inflammation and abscess formation, which occasionally resolves spontaneously undiagnosed;
is a diagnostic challenge and requires high degree of suspicion; Only, biopsy histopathological study makes a definitive
diagnosis. There is no consensus on treatment, but the handling is according to the severity and patient preferences; where
surgery plays an important role mainly diagnosed if there is doubt and complete surgical excision is recommended
whenever possible, plus corticosteroids; the side effects are significant and prolonged recovery; however, regardless of the
50% develop appropriate management, persistence, recurrence and complications with abscesses, fistulas and chronic
drainage, prolonged follow-up is necessary.
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