2015, Number 1
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AMC 2015; 19 (1)
Therapeutic alternative for the decoloration of a tooth with pulp dystrophy caused by orthodontic forces: a case report
Bestard EDM, Molero PV
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 55-60
PDF size: 490.19 Kb.
Background: excessive orthodontic forces may cause pulp dystrophies since they modify the pulp neuro vascular system. Necrosis of this pulp tissue is the most known cause of teeth color changes. Conventional endodontic treatment and bleaching are compromised in these cases whenever pulp calcification is developed.
Objective: to show an alternative therapy for dental discoloration due to pulpal necrosis in a tooth with pulp calcification.
Clinical Case: a eighteen year-old female is reported with pulp calcification following an orthodontic treatment and tooth discoloration in cervical third of a maxillary central right incisor.
Conclusions: a restorative treatment with visible light cure composite veneer was performed, achieving satisfactory aesthetic results.
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