2014, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2014; 57 (6)
Marijuana: harmful effects of the social environment on the fetus, childhood, and adolescence
Loredo AA, Casas MA, Monroy LDA
Language: Spanish
References: 62
Page: 27-37
PDF size: 354.36 Kb.
We analyze the social and medical situation that children
and adolescents are currently living in Mexico. The purpose
is to communicate the risks that pregnant women, children
and adolescents are exposed to by passively or actively consuming
marijuana. It also seeks to aware and update medical
students, general practitioners, family physicians, gynecologists,
obstetricians and pediatricians about the physical,
genetic and neurological effects reported in these populations.
Although there are numerous reports in international
literature related to this topic, national studies on the matter
are scarce, minimizing the chances of preventing harm in
Mexican children and adolescents.
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