2013, Number 4
Clinical characteristics of suicide attempts patients in an intensive care unit
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: Suicide most be considered of a multifactorial cause, factors like biological, psychological and social are involved. Objective: To characterize patients with suicidal behavior those are admitted in Intensive Care. Method: We performed a descriptive and prospective study of clinical behavior of patients with suicide attempts admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital Central de Maputo, capital of Mozambique, in the period January 2007 to January 2009. Variables such as age, gender, method used reason for admission and complications were taken into account. Results: The 22.5% of patients died, the highest lethality was caused by the ingestion of herbicide. The ingestion of rat poison was the method more frequent employed but with low lethality, the most common reason for admission to the unit was neurological depression (62%). The group of age predominant was between 21-40 years. The major complication was bacterial bronchopneumonia. Conclusions: The methods used have a low lethality.REFERENCES
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