2014, Number 110
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Rev Enfer Infec Pediatr 2014; 27.28 (110)
HIV infection. Mucocutaneous manifestations in 63 pediatric patients
Pérez-Cantillo MF, Cortés-Peralta EC, Martínez-Herrera E, Torres-Guerrero E, Arenas-Guzmán R
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 535-540
PDF size: 128.23 Kb.
Introduction: The number of HIV-infected children has raised and represents an important cause of serious illness and mortality.
Dermatologic manifestations can be observed at any stage and have an important prevalence.
Objective: To recognize
the associated mucocutaneous manifestations in HIV and AIDS infected pediatric patients and classify them according to
CD4 and viral count.
Methods: A descriptive and transversal study performed at Hospice San José, Guatemala was conducted
from February to March 2010. Sixty-three HIV-positive children were included. A complete physical exam and review of medical
charts were made; a sample for oral mucosa swab and a sample for direct test and culture from patients with clinical suspect
of onychomycosis were taken.
Results:The age of the studied children varied from 1 to 17 years with an average of 7.5 years and
equal distribution in both sexes. Mucocutaneous manifestations were found in 83% of the children. The most common ones
were pytiriasis alba (28%), transversal leukonychia, viral warts and onychomycosis (11% each one). According to age and CD4
count, 79.63% corresponded to category 1, 16.6% to category 2 and 3.70% to category 3.
Conclusions: The rise in prevalence
of HIV infection in pediatric populations makes important the identifications of dermatologic diseases in this group of patients.
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