2014, Number 6
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (6)
Hearing impairment of genetic origin in Cuban pat i ents with cochlear implant
Mattos VMB, Morales PE, Hernández PXI, Quintana MSE, Álvarez RMB, Martín GY, González SGA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 884-892
PDF size: 92.65 Kb.
Introduction: neurosensory hearing loss is the most frequent auditory disability. It
has great clinical and etiologic heterogeneity; its relative etiology frequency may
vary depending upon the study method. Cochlear implantation is the most efficient
treatment for bilateral and profound neurosensory hearing loss.
Objectives: to identify causes of Neurosensory hearing lost in Cuban patients with
Cochlear implantation and to describe its clinical features.
Material and Methods: a transversal descriptive study was performed between
September 2012 and December 2013. Children and adults with Cochlear
implantation, implanted in Cuba until 2012 were clinically studied.
Material and Methods: a transversal descriptive study was performed between
September 2012 and December 2013. Children and adults with Cochlear
implantation, implanted in Cuba until 2012 were clinically studied.
Conclusion: clinical and etiological heterogeneity was evident among patients with
Cochlear implantation; clinical assessment is necessary to establish genetic origin
and provide genetic counseling to patients and their family.
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