2014, Number 6
Facial Profile modifications in class II division 1 patients treated with Bimler's Elastic Appliance
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 845-854
PDF size: 109.28 Kb.
Introduction: orthodontics doesn’t only intervene in the teeth and in the structures of the hard tissue, but rather it also assists the soft perioral tissue. In patients with class II division 1, esthetics disturbances of the facial profile are observed, which can be treated with Bimler's Elastic Appliance.Objective: to identify the modifications of the soft perioral tissue responsible for the variations of the facial profile in class II division 1 patients treated with Bimler's Elastic Appliance according to sex.
Material and Methods: a retrospective longitudinal descriptive observational study was carried out. 33 clinical records of patients treated by Professor Hans Peter Bimler with Bimler's Elastic Appliance, in the period from 1980 to 1997 were studied, analyzing the teleradiographies before and after the treatment, through the Holdawaycephalogram.
Results: at the beginning, in both sexes, the soft pogonion was retracted; with the treatment, an advanced position was obtained. The patients began the treatment with an average of 5.56 mm of convexity; which diminished to 3.68 mm. The H angle was shown increased in both sexes and it was decreased to the normal parameters with the treatment. In total, the mean width of the chin soft fabric before treatment was 10.27 mm and 11.08 mm after it, with no differences among sexes.
Conclusion: the treatment of class II division 1 patients with Bimler's Elastic Appliance produces an increase of the facial angle of soft fabric and the width of the soft chin; as well as a decrease of the convexity of the skeletal profile and the H angle, with no differences according to sex.
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