2014, Number 4
Opiate use in patients with neoplasia in Granma. January 2005 - December 2013.
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1
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Introduction: the pains are healed when there is theoretical knowledge to decipher their causes and the suitable means for their treatments, the pain can almost always be controlled, or at least mitigated; there are behaviors for the treatments like the opiate administration.Objective: to characterize the behavior of the files opening to patients with neoplasia in terminal stage, tributary of the hypno opiates in Granma province during the period between 2005 and 2013.
Method: it was performed a retrospective descriptive study with the aim to characterize the behavior of the files opening in patients with neoplasia, tributary to the hypno opiates received in the 13 Main Municipal Pharmacies of Granma province during the years 2005 to 2013. The universe was constituted by 2590 files of patients with neoplasias that started their treatments with Morphine, 10 mg and 20 mg as well as the Petidine, 50 mg and 100 mg ampoules.
Results: it was evidenced an increase in the files opening for the application of the Morphine and Petidine in the patients with neoplasia. The Morphine of 10 mg, the feminine sex and the groups of ages of 45-59 and 65 and older were those that reached the greater reports.
Conclusions: There is a greater sensitivity of doctors in the files opening of patients with cancer, what can allow an increase in the life quality and a more honourable death of the patient.
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