2014, Number 4
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Mul Med 2014; 18 (4)
Metabolic syndrome in adults over 40 years in 2 medical offices.
Sánchez CT, Cruz ME, Sanfiel VL, Milanés OMR, Valdés ILE
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 381.31 Kb.
Introduction: the metabolic syndrome (SM), initially described by Reaven in 1988, is an association of metabolic disorders like dislipidemia, obesity, hypertension and the intolerance to the glucose.
Method: it was performed a transversal descriptive study in which there were included 239 patients.
Objective: to determine the presence of the metabolic syndrome in the patients belonging to 2 Family Medical Offices from the University Polyclinic Jimmy Hirtzel in Bayamo, during the period between January of 2009 until November of 2011.
Results: it was established the diagnostic of metabolic Syndrome according to the criteria of the Third Report National Cholesterol Education Program. From the amount of the sample it was diagnosed the metabolic syndrome in 38 patients, being significant the association between the age and the number of components of the metabolic syndrome, unlike the sex. Nevertheless, the greatest number of patients with metabolic syndrome belonged to the feminine sex. The parameters mostly associated with the diagnostic were the blood pressure, the hypertriglyceridemia and the abdominal obesity.
Conclusions: it was not found a significant influence in the alimentary habits and the levels of physical activity about the emergence of the metabolic syndrome
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