2014, Number 6
Healthy life expectancy in older adults with social security
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 610-617
PDF size: 82.36 Kb.
Background: Population aging increases the prevalence of chronic diseases. This morbidity impacts on the relatively high mortality levels and has disabling effects. Classic health indicators —life expectancy at birth and gross mortality rate— are complemented by the disability-free life expectancy (DFLE), whose advantage is a standardization of concepts, sources of information and calculation methods. In this investigation, the healthy life expectancy in adult older population with social security in Mexico is estimated.Methods: Life expectancy was estimated from the mortality analysis and by constructing life tables of the population affi liated to the Mexican Institute of Social Security. Chiang’s method was used and the disability prevalence-adjusted life table was modifi ed using Sullivan’s method. The healthy life expectancy, life expectancy free of disability and life expectancy with disability in the older adult analysis was highlighted.
Results: Life expectancy free of disability was estimated at 66.5 years. In females, it was 16 years and, in men, 15.2 years, indicating that from this age on they live less time with a healthy life.
Conclusions: Healthy life expectancy is an indicator that can be useful to build scenarios to support the planning, administration and strategic management of healthy aging programs.
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