2014, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Trop 2014; 66 (2)
Influence of abiotic factors on the effectiveness of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Berliner, 1911) against larvae of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762)
Santos SA, dos Santos LK, Soares SJ, da Silva VCF, Tadei WP, Soares PVC
Language: Portugués
References: 28
Page: 174-190
PDF size: 847.97 Kb.
Introduction: Bacillus thuringiensis , has been used worldwide for the control of
mosquitoes, particularly in combating
Aedes aegypti. Various formulations have
been made however, the effectiveness of these insecticides vary varies considerably
according to the environmental conditions.
Objective: to evaluate the influence of abiotic factors on the effectiveness of B.
thuringiensis var. israelensis to against larvae of Ae. aegypti.
Methods: we conducted bioassay experiments in the campus of the CESC / UEMA.
With use of 20 Twenty cement tanks, of these, were used, 10 of which were
exposed to environmental factors, and only. Of these, 5 were treated and 5 served
as controls. The other 10 tanks were placed in the shade, also again 5 were treated
and 5 untreated were not (control). After treatment, the 25 stage L 3 larvae were
placed in 25 L 3 each stage tank and mortality. Mortality readings were taken after
24 hours and every 7 days. Weekly water samples were collected from all tanks to
measure once a week to check the number of viable spores and evaluate bacterial
Results and discussion: the larvicidal efficacy: The larvicide showed initial
efficacy, killing 100 % of the larvae in tanks that were located both in the sun and
in the shade. Environmental factors, sunlight, temperature and rainfall negatively
affected the effectiveness of the product, because for there was a reduction in the
effectiveness of the product throughout the experiment. It was observed variation
in the number of spores during the development of the experiment demonstrating,
showing that the bacterium has potential recyclability.
Conclusion: these data serve as parameters for improving to in Bti-based
insecticides, in order to make the with a view to making formulations more suited
toin keeping with the environmental conditions of our region.
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