2014, Number 6
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2014; 15 (6)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Mexican Neurology Contributions from 1998 to 2014
Martínez HR, Parada-Garza JD, Meza ME, González-Garza MT, Moreno-Cuevas JE
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 355-362
PDF size: 318.29 Kb.
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by rapid deterioration and the selective
death of motor neurons in the cerebral cortex, brainstem and spinal cord. In this paper we performed a literature review of the
Mexican contributions during the last 15 years in relation to ALS. We have performed a systematic review through PubMed about
publications of Mexican Researcher about ALS in English. There are 19 publications about ALS performed by Mexican researchers
including case reports, series, experimental models, diagnostic methods and cellular therapy. One of them described epidemiological
data in Mexican ALS patients that fulfilled El Escorial criteria to definite ALS. The age of onset was 47.5 years predominantly in men
(1.8:1) with an interval of 12 months from onset to diagnosis. The survival was longer than described in other countries. In Mexico
an estimated prevalence is between 5,000 to 7,000 ALS patients. In conclusion, the ALS diagnosis is challenging and death occurs
in short term after onset. Few epidemiological are described in México; there is no effective treatment for this disorder. In México
is imperative to create a national ALS registry and an association dedicated to support ALS patient, obtain economical funds from
private sources and government to increase research in ALS
Martinez HR, Gonzalez-Garza MT, Moreno-Cuevas JE, Caro E, Gutierrez-Jimenez E, Segura JJ. Stem-cell transplantation into the frontal motor cortex in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Cytotherapy 2009; 11: 26-34.
Martinez HR, Molina-Lopez JF, Cantu-Martinez L, Gonzalez-Garza MT, Moreno-Cuevas JE, et al. Survival and clinical features in hispanic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Amyotrophic. Lateral Sclerosis 2011; 12:199-205.
Martinez HR, Molina-Lopez JF, Gonzalez-Garza MT, Moreno-Cuevas JE, Caro E, et al. Stem cell transplantation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Methodological approach, safety and feasibility. Cell Transplantation 2012; 21: 1907-2012.
Martínez HR, Salazar-Marioni S, Escamilla-Ocañas CE, Gonzalez- Garza MT, Moreno-Cuevas JE. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in pregnancy: clinical out come during the post-partum period after stem cell transplantation into the frontal motor cortex. Cytotherapy 2014; 16: 402-5.
Gonzalez-Garza MT, Martínez HR, Caro-Osorio E, Differentiation of CD 133+ Stem Cells Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients into Preneuron Cells. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2013; 2 (2): 129-35.
Jaime-Pérez JC, Olguin-Ramirez LA, Martínez HR, Gómez-Almaguer D. Celulas Madre y otras perspectivas terapeúticas en la esclerosis lateral amiotrofica. Medicina Universitaria 2012; 14 (54): 30-6.
Martínez HR, Caro-Osorio E, Gil-Valadez A, Moreno-Cuevas JE, Gonzalez-Garza MT, et al. Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrofica y Neurocisticercosis. Rev Mex Neuroci 2010; 11(3): 240-2.
Martínez HR, Caro-Osorio E, Gutierrez-Jimenez E, Moreno-Cuevas JE, Gonzalez-Garza MT. Amiotrofia Monomielica. Rev Mex Neuroci 2008; 9(1): 70-3.
Martínez HR, Gonzalez-Garza MT, Moreno-Cuevas JE, Caro-Osorio E, Gil-Valadez A, et al. MR-Fractional anisotropy in the pyramidal tract after stem cell transplantation in ALS patients. Sent for publication 2014.
Gomez-Almaguer D, Jaime-Pérez JC, Olguin-Ramírez LA, G.Sarquis RA, Garza-Villarreal E, et al. Intratechal delivery of autologous bone marrow stem cells in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Preliminary report. Sent for publication 2014.
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Schrooten M, Smetcoren C, Robberecht W, Van Damme P. Benefit of the Awaji diagnostic algorithm for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A prospective study. Ann Neurol 2011; 70: 79-83. Figura 5. Porcentaje del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) que se dedica a investigación y desarrollo en diferentes países incluyendo México. Cifras obtenidas del Banco Mundial.21 2009 2010 2011 2012 Portugal Suecia EUA Israel Francia México Alemania 1.64 1.59 1.52 1.5 3.62 3.39 3.39 3.41 2.82 2.74 2.76 2.79 4.17 3.47 3.47 3.93 2.27 2.24 2.25 2.26 0.43 0.46 0.43 0 2.82 2.8 2.89 2.92 Martínez Héctor R, et al. Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica 362 Rev Mex Neuroci Noviembre-Diciembre, 2014; 15(6): 355-362
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Otero-Siliceo E, Arriada-Mendicoa N, Balderrama J. Juvenile familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: four cases with long survival. Developmental Medicine and Child. Neurology 1998; 40: 425-8.
Tovar-y-Romo L, Santa-Cruz L, Tapia R. Experimental models for the study of neurodegeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Molecular Degeneration 2009; 4: 31.
Tapia R. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of motor neuron death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a perspective. Front Cell Neurosci 2014; 8: 1-3.
Lazo R, Ramírez U, Tovar-y-Romo L, Tapia R. Histone deacetylases and their role in motor neuron degeneration. Front Cell Neurosci 2013; 7: 1-7.
Tovar-y-Romo L, Ramírez U, Lazo R, Tapia R. Trophic factors as modulators of motor neuron physiologyand survival: implications for ALS therapy. Front Cell Neuroci 2014; 8: 1-7.
Martínez H, Fernández M, Burgos J. Estudios neurofisiológicos para la detección del daño en la neurona motora superior e inferior en pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica. Arch Neurocien (Mex) 2008; 13: 145-54.
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