2014, Number 6
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2014; 15 (6)
Memory and learning and its relation to chewing
Aguirre-Siancas EE
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 351-354
PDF size: 98.34 Kb.
This article reviews the relationship between cognitive functions of memory and learning with chewing, a function little known by
health professionals and that integrates medical work with dental work relationship. The concepts of memory and learning will
be reviewed;it will be also developed its major functional and structural characteristics. These cognitive functions and structures
of the central nervous system regulating the chewing function will be linked, where it will explain the neural basis of mastication
and the likely routes of connection between the oral cavity and the hippocampal formation, one of the main nerve centers
involved in will be linked memory functions and learning. It is concluded at the end of the article that exposed evidence suggests
that proper maintenance of mastication influences on cognitive functions of memory and learning.
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