2014, Number 3
Placenta morphological changes
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 342-348
PDF size: 100.57 Kb.
Isolated cases of placental morphological abnormalities are often reported; but lately there is an incidence of 9 % noteworthy. The placenta may have different abnormalities or alter complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. A case of a patient with velamentous cord insertion and bilobed placenta during a vaginal delivery at Ramón Gonzalez Coro Gynecobstetric Teaching Hospital is presented here. Perinatal outcomes, despite all the complications were favorable and the newborn presented a proper Apgar count at birth. Despite the few reported cases, the relationship between fetal delay and maternal hemorrhagic morbidity at delivery was confirmed.REFERENCES
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