2014, Number 47
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Oral 2014; 15 (47)
Use of Light Speed LSX rotary in deciduous molars
Germán SL, Ruíz MA, Verdugo VIA,Paredes VJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1099-1101
PDF size: 319.41 Kb.
lntroduction. The loss of deciduous molars is a great concern
for pediatric dentist, resulting in loss of space and lack of
development of the moxillories. There ore different techniques
ovoiloble to preserve deciduous molors in the oral
cavity, such as pulpectomy, and it is important to always consider
the speed and efficiency of the treatment to maintoin a
good behovior in the pediotric potient. Therefore the use of
Light Speed LSX rotory system.
Cose Report. A 5 yeor old
patient presented to the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic in UABC
Tíjuana in good physical and mental health. The lower left
secondory molar wos diognosed with o caries lesion offecting
enamel, dentin and pulp tissue. The chosen treatment
was pulpectomy using Light Speed LSX rotary system, starting
with #15 ond #20 K-file, then with #30 ond #40 Light
Speed LSX rotory instruments rapidly ond efficiently. Vitopex
was used to fill the root canals and zinc oxide with eugenol.
Post-operativa radiographs show a positiva outcome.
caso clfnico
Conclusion. The use of light speed LSX rotory system is onother
option for instrumentotion of root canals in deciduous
molars and reduces treatment ti me.
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