2014, Number 47
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Oral 2014; 15 (47)
Case report: lmaging found of Compound Odontoma
Ducoing HFJ, Olvera DJH, Reyes MJF, Arando RS
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1093-1096
PDF size: 364.36 Kb.
The compound odontomas are asymptomotic lesions that
few times produce destruction of the teeth related. A case of a
21-year-old masculine patient that attends to the integral
clinic for the extroction of the third molars and bucal
rehabilitation is reported. As a routine, study models ond a
ponoramic rodiography are token, in this last one severa)
radiopaque strudures of different sizes, with defined form,
and limited just to the mandibular region where observed,
which occupied only the orea of the dental orgons 42 and
43. The patient didn't know about the presence of this
denticules. A very exhaustive clinic inspedion is realized and
a light malposition of the dental organs 42 and 43
apparently without root strudure damage is founded. An
excisional biopsy is performed and the specimen was sent for
its histopatologic study, which reported Coumpound
Odontomo. The use of the radiography is an excellent
auxiliary method of diagnose for the detection of
intraosseous asymptomatic lesions making possible the
instouration of en opportune and corred treatment.
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