2014, Number 47
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Oral 2014; 15 (47)
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a patient with carcinoma adenoid Cystic
Estrada EBE, Fumero MM, De Lima MJ, Pereo GP, Sánchez RCR, Sánchez RCR,Soler VR
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1089-1092
PDF size: 404.19 Kb.
One of the primary aims of Buco Maxillofacial Prosthetics,
Faculty af Dentistry, University of the Republic
(UdelaR), Montevideo Uruguay, is providing care to patients
presenting to this department befo re or after being
operated on by the oncosurgicol. A multidisciplinary group
consists of the members of the internationol RED
"Alternativa Methods for the Preservation of Oral Health",
estoblishing the diagnosis and prosthetic treatment plans
for cancer patients seeking attention to oral rehabilitation.
Patient wos diognosed with odenoid cystic
carcinoma, located in the Mandibular right pterygopalatine
branch, in which the multidisciplinary tea m determinad
to make a prosthesis immediate guidance, which
was placed in the surgical procedure, in arder to mointoin
stability mandibular once the tumor removal. lt is vicaso
tal and important the placement of this prosthesis, since
its objective is to maintain the anatomical structures in the
correct position, preventi ng the collapse of tissues and the
diversion of the dental midline and bone, as without this
guide, there ore severe temporomondibulor joint disorders
mandibular and surrounding musculatura.
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