2014, Number 47
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Oral 2014; 15 (47)
In- Vitre mercury Cytotoxicity on polymorph nuclear leukocytes
Soto GME, Tinaco CVC, lsassi HH, Padilla CJ, Trejo TSE, Oliver PR, Huitzil MEE
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1070-1073
PDF size: 380.72 Kb.
Abstract. Dental amalgam has been usually used as the
selectiva material in dentals restorations, alloy consisting
mainly of silver, tin, copper and zinc materials wich are
found mixed with the Mercury. Mercury is a chemical
element (metal) naturally in the environment ond the
people could be exposed to mercury in their diet, water,
pollution ond dental amalgams. People with amolgom
fillings are chronically exposed to low doses of mercury. In
this poparon interesting material to research is presentad
looking potentially effed that mercury could do on the
neutrophil polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
The oim of this study was to evaluote the ln-Vitro Cytotoxicity
from HgCI2 (mercury chloride) on LPMN.
ond methods. 1 Oml of blood somple was token from
dinical healthy volunteer donors and their neutrophil
polymorphonuclear leukocytes were seporated and the
population wos adjusted and challenged with HgCI2
solution 1 OmM for one hour ond 2 hours keeping the
following concentrations: 2
µg/ml, 4
µg/ml, 6
µg/ml, 12
Results. The results were obtained using the SPSS
version 18.0 Statistic were that at concentrations of 12ug
/mi the mercury chloride affected the viability of neutrophi!
polymorphonuclear leukocytes following a deseresponse
pattern where concentration (l2
µg/ml HgCI2)
affeded the viability of neutrophil polymorphonuclear
Conclusions. The results showed a response
the higher concentration (l2
µg/ml HgCI2) lower viability.
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