2014, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2014; 5 (3)
Epidemiologichal caracteristics of condylomata acuminatum in the “Mario Manduley” Policlinical from january 2007 to december 2013
Echevarría RJ, Valdés CR
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 377.99 Kb.
It was carried out a descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study in the area of health, belonging to the Policlínico "Mario Manduley" of the municipality Centers Havana from January from the 2007 to December of the 2013 with the purpose of characterizing people diagnosed with the infection of sexual transmission epidemically: condylomata acuminatum. They were study object the entirety of people diagnosed with this pathology that you/they went to the institution during the studied period and represented by 129 cases. For it was obtained it the basic information of the epidemic interviews carried out the patients. The most excellent results were: the age group with more affectation was that of 15 - 19 years with 26,4% of the cases; 82,9% of those studied had more than a sexual couple in the 6 months precedents to the diagnosis of condylomata acuminatum. Only family doctor diagnosed 10% of the entirety of the sick persons for condylomata acuminatum.
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