2014, Number S1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (S1)
Relationship between drug use and HIV/AIDS. Havana, 2012-2013
Fernández PB, Puertas ÁD, Minaberriet CE
Language: Spanish
References: 14
PDF size: 90.76 Kb.
Drug use has been closely linked to HIV/AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic. The link is
given by the tendency of consumers of alcohol and other drugs to risky behavior which makes
users more likely to have unprotected sex increase the likelihood of both transmitting and
acquiring HIV or any other infection that would affect negatively on their quality of life. The
Municipal Department of STI/HIV/AIDS on October 10, which serves people diagnosed Havana, through the course Learning to live with HIV, favored the conduct of this research. Contribute to the prevention of risk behaviors associated with drug use and HIV/AIDS was the
overall objective of this research, which assumed the methodological perspective of Participation
Action Research (PAR). The techniques used were interviews with key informants and focus
The main findings were, first, the analysis of the perception of the coordinators of the line of
people with HIV / AIDS about the manifestation of drug use among the group of people with HIV/AIDS and the need for finding train them in this area. Furthermore, the diagnosis of learning
needs of people with HIV/AIDS, a finding of absence of risk perception and lack of services and
mechanisms provided by the national health system for the treatment and rehabilitation of
addictions, among others.
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