2014, Number S2
Behavior of endocrinological morbidity in outpatient services from Benguela Central Hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction. Generally in Africa, and in particular in the Republic of Angola, the health statistical records are poor. This makes it impossible to know with accuracy the submission frequency of diseases in the different levels of care. The data offered in this study serve to evaluate the behavior of endocrine diseases in this medium. Objectives. To describe the behavior of morbidity attended at the outpatient of Endocrinology from the Central Hospital of Benguela in during August-December of 2011 and April-August of 2012. Method. A descriptive and observational study was carried out. The information contained in external reference book of the Central Benguela Hospital belonging to the specialty of Endocrinology in the period mentioned before was used. Results. 65.6% of patients were female and 35.4% were male. The age group of 20 to 59 years old accounted for 76.7 per cent of the cases attended. Alterations of blood glucose accounted for 56.8% of the total of patients and 51.2% of the total of the diagnosis, followed by thyroid disorders (16.8% of patients and 15.2% of the diagnosis). 2 Diabetes mellitus was the specific diagnosis in 58.2% of patients and 96.7% of the diagnosis. Conclusions. The greater percentage of patients was 20-59 years age group. The female sex represented the biggest percentage. The alteration of blood glucose was the most frequent diagnostic group. 2 Diabetes Mellitus was the most common specific diagnosis.REFERENCES
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