2014, Number S1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (S1)
Impact of a smoking cessation program in patients with cardiovascular disease
Hernández MD, Díaz VM, Larrinaga SV, Armas RNB, Rivas EE
Language: Spanish
References: 26
PDF size: 108.72 Kb.
Introduction: Smoking cessation is a priority in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, but
there is little evidence of interventions aimed at these patients. Objective: To evaluate the
impact of a Smoking Cessation Program in terms of effectiveness in patients with cardiovascular
at 12 months postoperatively diseases.
Methods: Uncontrolled community intervention without a control group, in 50 smokers with cardiovascular disease who attended the Smoking Cessation
Program. The variables used were age, sex, educational level, age at onset in consumption, number of years of smoking, parental smoking history, previous treatments for smoking cessation, nicotine dependence, motivation to quit and abstinence behavior at 12 months. Therapy was used multicomponent cessation. The techniques of data collection were the Fagerstrom Test, the Test of Richmond and survey. To evaluate the possible relationship
between qualitative variables was used
chi2, we worked with 95% confidence and an associated probability p 0.05. Results: One year after the intervention ended, 58% of patients remained abstinent. Of the patients who continued to smoke, 26% reduced the amount of less than 10 cigarettes per day and only 16% received no treatment benefits, maintaining its initial consumption pattern.
Conclusions: In terms of effectiveness the program had a great impact, demonstrating a reduction in cardiovascular risk in patients treated at 12 months postoperatively.
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