2014, Number 4
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Rev Hematol Mex 2014; 15 (4)
Assessment of the blood products transfusion at Regional Hospital Presidente Juarez, ISSSTE, Oaxaca, according to the Guide for the clinical use of blood
Chargoy-Vivaldo E, Quezada-Bolaños S, Cacique-Sánchez C
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 174-183
PDF size: 399.02 Kb.
Background: Blood transfusion is the infusion of blood components
obtained from fractionation of whole blood. These should always be
directed to the clinical problem, so as not to instill unnecessary components,
as they may cause sensitization, transfusion reactions and/
or transmission of infection. The Guide to the Clinical Use of Blood
satisfies the need to maintain current knowledge and standardizes the
intervention criteria of health in the transfusion area to comply with the
commitment made by Mexico to the WHO.
Objective: To determine the attachment of signs of blood transfusions in
the Regional Hospital Presidente Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico, to the official
Mexican standards and guides.
Material and method: A retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive
study was done at Regional Hospital Presidente Juarez, ISSSTE, Oaxaca,
from January 1
st to December 31
st, 2011. It included in title 60 hospitalized
patients transfused with complete file. For statistical analysis the
SPSS 20.0 software was used.
Results: Prevalence of transfusion was of 33%. The 91.7% of the samples
showed the written request indication for transfusion. In 84.6% indication
was adequate.
Conclusions: The results obtained in this study show a significant attachment
to the Guidelines for the clinical use of blood, differing with
what the literature reports. It is proposed to follow the provisions of this
guide and avoid transfusion risks.
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