2014, Number S1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (S1)
Oral disease in alcoholics patients of health area Párraga. Arroyo Naranjo, 2012-2013
Solar COM, Martínez LJM, Machado CR, Gonzalez SBL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 94.88 Kb.
Cross-sectional study in 180 patients is presented in the area of health Párraga order to describe
the behavior of oral disease in alcoholic patients. The source of information was obtained
through the use of surveys and oral physical examination variables such as quantity, frequency,
duration of exposure to smoking, beverage type and age and sex were studied. The results
showed that there is a close relationship between alcoholism and the occurrence of oral
diseases. Were found more often pre-malignant lesions and avitaminosis, distilled spirits were
most concerned with these diseases, was the most affected as the age group of 35-59 years
male. Is recommended -preventivas educational activities trying to change lifestyles and
consequently the decrease of these oral diseases.
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