2014, Number 2
Conception of patient module for Radiologic Information System alas RIS
Martínez RY, Vega IL, Ferras SY
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 169-183
PDF size: 87.06 Kb.
In the departments of imagingdiagnosis or imagingareas of hospitals, the processing of all patients´ information consumes time and effort, not to mention the exposure to human error due to the fact that it is held on paper and it is constantly manipulated by technicians and specialists. After the critical analysis of these areas´ processes in Cuban hospitals and of the existing deficiencies in previous versions of the radiologic information system "alas RIS", it was established as a problem to be solved the perfection of the management of the demographic and clinical information of the patients in that system. The Rational Unified Process (RUP) was used as the development methodology. Similarly, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) version 2.1 was employed as the modeling language and the Business Process Modeling (BPMN) version 1.1, as an international standard of process modeling. The Enterprise Architect 7.5 was employed as a tool for the creation of diagrams. Among the benefits offered by the solution we are proposing, are the standardization and depuration of the patient´s medical history as well as the reconciliation of the demographic and clinical data of it, which minimizes the duplication of the information in the system.After the development of the application, it is expected to achieve a better organization of the information and to speed up the assistance to the patients in the imaging diagnosis department.