2014, Number 4
Temporomandibular dysfunction associated with tooth loss
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 71-73
PDF size: 62.75 Kb.
The temporomandibular joint is like a hinge that allows movement of the lower jaw down, up, front, back, left and right. Of course, these movements are made possible by muscles and have the "cap" to the teeth, hence the importance of his presence, his position and health of tissues that protect and sustain. Everyone agrees in attaching great importance to the preservation of many teeth. Temporomandibular disorders are a complex and heterogeneous group of clinical disorders and conditions affecting these joints, masticatory muscles, teeth and support apparatus, which represents a major challenge for the dental profession not only the population identified as fundamental problems pain and dysfunction but also internalize the care of the equipment and the dental care is a real need.REFERENCES
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