2014, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2014; 16 (3)
Penetrating injuries in the brain by intracranial foreign bodies. Presentation of three cases
Vera PFJ, Álvarez RA, Alpízar OL, Leiva FJA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 232.84 Kb.
Background: Penetrating brain injuries due to foreign objects including gunshot wounds are commonly seen in war times. Injuries not caused by gunshot are rare in neurosurgical practice in civil lifetime in peace times.
Objective: To illustrate the clinical forms and the evaluation of penetrating brain injuries not caused by ammunitions of firearms in peacetime, through the presentation of three cases.
Cases presentation: We report three patients with intracranial foreign bodies, the first during suicide attempt was introduced via burr hole metal object (copper wire); the second case, the patient suffered head injury and underwent computed tomography of the skull and the presence of acute subdural hematoma and intracranial foreign body (piece of wire) was detected; the third case involves prisoner who suffered injury during a fight with intracranial
penetration of a foreign body (nail).
Conclusions: Urgently surgical intervention in these patients and their neurological status entering the operating room impacted decisively in their evolution.
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