2014, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2014; 16 (3)
Anxiety, depression and vulnerability to stress to the newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus
Domínguez RMY, Viamonte PY
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus has kept increasing in recent years, what makes it a pandemic. Studies related to this disease point to the recognition of psychological factors associated with both: its debut and its favorable or unfavorable evolution, to improve comprehensive intervention strategies directed to patients with the disease.
Objective: to
determine the levels of anxiety, depression and vulnerability to stress in subjects newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methodology: a cross-sectional study with a quantitative methodology; from September 2010 to May 2011 was made. The sample were 25 patients attended in consultation of the Comprehensive Diabetes Care Polyclinic Juan M. Martínez Puentes in Sancti Spíritus municipality, with less than 6 months of diagnosis. The trait-state anxiety inventory, the trait-state depression inventory, vulnerability to stress test and a survey were used.
Results: most subjects reported an unfavorable course of the disease in relatives with the disease, and all had psychological reactions to the diagnosis. High levels of anxiety and depression as a state and low as trait as well as a tendency to vulnerability to stress were found.
Conclusions: high levels of anxiety and depression in the subjects studied are related to the recognition of the diagnosis as a source of anxiety and stress with a fatalistic and pessimistic representation of the disease in subjects in which a tendency to vulnerability to stress is highly visible.
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