2014, Number 12
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MediSan 2014; 18 (12)
Patients with Giardia lamblia diagnosed through duodenal smear
Herrero AH, Fernández DJ, Vega SS, Candel HJA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 223.91 Kb.
A descriptive and cross sectional study of 105 patients older than 15 years with
infection by Giardia lamblia, diagnosed through duodenal smear by means of
endoscopy was carried out in the Gastroenterology Service of the Specialties Polyclinic
from "Saturnino Lora Torres" Teaching Provincial Clinical Surgical Hospital in Santiago
de Cuba, from January to December, 2012, with the objective of characterizing them.
Among the analyzed variables there were: age, sex, referred digestive symptoms,
positivity of the smear and endoscopic image. The percentage was used as summary
measure. Female sex (58.0%), the age group 29-39 years (38.0%), the epigastralgia
as main symptom (66.6%) and the endoscopic images grades I and II prevailed as the
most frequent (68.4 and 41.3%, respectively). The positivity index for giardiasis was
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