2014, Number S2
On-line information services: implementation and development in Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 79-89
PDF size: 108.46 Kb.
Background: the introduction of new technologies, the use of electronic media as a means to implement automation in the librarian field and the recognition of information resources in health field to streamline processes that enable users to access a greater amount of relevant and reliable information.Objective: to describe the on-line information services, its implementation and the development information searching and information retrieval activities have had at this center.
Methods: a descriptive retrospective study was conducted at the Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara since the nineties to the present where methods from the theoretical level: the logical-historical and analysis-synthesis methods; and from the empirical level, the documentary analysis, and interviews with key informants, were used.
Results: the emergence of Villa Clara INFOMED portal, the growth in relation to information databases in health, and information searching and retrieval development as well as the professionalism of workers, the way they are trying to excel themselves, and the competence of them, are the main aspects could be highlighted.
Conclusions: online information services, its implementation and the development the information searching and information retrieval activities have had, are the areas of action of this center which have contributed to the growth in the scientific information activity.
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