2014, Number 3
Relation between buccal conditions and rheumatics illnesses
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 322-328
PDF size: 452.08 Kb.
He/she was carried out an exhaustive bibliographical revision about the association between buccal affections and rheumatic illnesses. The buccal affections are frequently presented in dissimilar processes. The rheumatic illnesses are characterized by a wide range of buccal affections that not alone they are usually part of the clinical square of these affections, but rather it has been described that they can be the explosive for the imbalance of the immune system and to give beginning this way to the beginning of the rheumatic illness. The evidences that emerged in the last decade threw light on the inverse side of the relationship between general health and buccal health, that is to say, the potential effects of the buccal illness about a wide variety of systems of organs. In the last years numerous reports based on epidemic studies in those that the bucco-dental infections associate with systemic illnesses have arisen, among them the rheumatic illnesses. They meet the interaction models and proposed mechanisms, besides evidences that sustain the proclaimed theories, lending special interest between both to the causation processes.REFERENCES
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