2014, Number 6
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Gac Med Mex 2014; 150 (6)
Predictors of scoliosis in school-aged children
Zurita OF, Fernández SM, Fernández GR, Jiménez SCE, Zaleta ML
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 533-539
PDF size: 249.15 Kb.
Background: Alterations in the spinal column and obesity are on the rise, causing great concern in health and educational
strata. This paper aims to take a step further and study in detail the relationship of the presence of scoliotic hump in
obese schoolchildren.
Objective: was to determine the relationship between prevalence of types of variables hump and
sociodemographic, anthropometric, and functional-side dominance.
Methods: The sample consisted of 2,822 schoolchildren
in Spain, analyzed in 2010 with an average age of 8.5 years (SD: 1.792). Analyzed for Adams test, BMI, Edinburgh inventory,
deep flexion test, and demographic questionnaire, we used the SPSS 20.0 (descriptive and test multivariate binary
logistic regression).
Results: The number of subjects who had scoliosis was 1,023 (36.3%), obesity occurred in 359 (12.7%)
cases, and after regression including associations regarding gender, (adjusted OR: 2.044; 1.731-2.413), age (adjusted
OR: 1.121; 1.070-1.174), presence of obesity (adjusted OR: 0.676; 0.518-0.882), and flexibility (adjusted OR: 1.015; 1.001-1.029).
Conclusions: The female participants were twice as likely to have hump. The prevalence with respect to age indicates
that any schoolchild with a year of chronological age has 1.12 times higher risk of developing hump and subjects carrying
the school supplies backpack have less risk of hump.
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