Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 106-120
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Rationale: Between 20 – 25% of children with
ages ranging from 0 – 5 years show iron
deficiency anemia. This health problem prevails,
notwithstanding multiples strategies, programs
and campaigns. Iron deficiency anemia might be
more frequent in the malnourished child.
Objectives: To present the impact of intervention
upon iron deficiency anemia conducted in
malnourished children with ages ‹ 5 years
according with guidelines locally drafted. Study
design: Quasi-experimental, open, clinical trial.
Material and method: One hundred children of
either sex, with ages between 0 – 5 years, in
whom malnutrition (Weight for Height ‹ 3
percentile of the Cuban Tables of Growth and
Development) and iron deficiency anemia
(serum Iron ‹ 10.4 µ.mol.L
-1) concurred were
selected among those assisted at the province
Nutritional Follow-up Practice, Policlinic of
Pediatric Specialities, “Pepe Portilla” Province
Pediatric Teaching Hospital (Pinar del Río,
Pinar del Río). Children were assigned to either
of two interventions: Group I: Dietetic plan vs.
Group II: Dietetic plan + Hem supplementation
®©: 6 mg.Kg
-1). Dietetic plan was
prescribed according guidelines locally
elaborated by the author regarding introduction
of food sources of iron into regular diet.
Interventions were conducted during 4 months.
Results: Interventions resulted in reduction of
the number of children with clinical
manifestations of anemia, and serum Iron values
‹ 10.4 µ.mol.L
-1; respectively. No changes in the
number of children with Weight for Height
values ‹ 3
rd percentile was observed. Hem
supplementation was associated with a
significantly higher reduction of the number of
children with clinical manifestations of anemia,
but without influence on the child’s current
Weight value; and at the expenses of a higher
rate of adverse reactions.
Inclusion of food sources of iron in the diet of
the malnourished child with iron deficiency
anemia according with food and nutritional
guidelines might produce short-range changes
in clinical manifestations and serum Iron values.
Effectiveness of the hem supplementation was
obscured by the high rate of adverse reactions.
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