2014, Number 2
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Mul Med 2014; 18 (2)
Educational intervention on HIV/aids at Guillermo González Polanco School in Guisa, january – april, 2010
Chávez RE, Castillo MRC, Sánchez NH, García RM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-23
PDF size: 413.58 Kb.
It was performed a prospective study of educational intervention, with the aim to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention, in order to increase the level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS in teenagers at Guillermo González secondary school in Guisa municipality, Granma province, during the period of January-April 2010. The universe was made by all seventh graders from the aforesaid school, and by means of a simple sample at random, it was obtained a sample of three groups with an amount of 120 students; there were used theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. The educational intervention was subjected to the Delphi expert’s method, where the 15 experts thought that it was very suitable. Initially it was applied a survey, which determined that 86,67% had unsuitable general knowledge; after the educational intervention with the support of didactic means and participatory techniques, 98,33% of the teenagers reached a level of suitable knowledge. After the statistical analysis was performed through the Wilcoxon tests and the sign test, it was evidenced the statistically significant association (p=0.0000) between the level of knowledge of the students before and after the intervention, what showed that the participatory- educational model applied increased the level of knowledge in the teenagers.
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