2014, Number 1
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Mul Med 2014; 18 (1)
Clinical and histological chorioamnionitis. Bibliographic revision
Ferrer MR, Robles IA, Pérez DMÁ, Crespo BE, González VG
Language: Spanish
References: 27
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The chorioamnionitis is a condition of pregnancy itself, which manifests itself through a variety of symptoms, both the mother and fetus. While his previous state intraamniotic infection no symptoms. The main criterion for the diagnosis of chorioamnionitis is the clinic. Before the diagnosis, it is es-sential that happen delivery, independent of gestational age, it administer antibiotics to the mother, from the time of diagnosis, this is the mainstay of treatment and the future of the patient. Corioamnionitis is usually often clinically silent and isdiagnosed by the pathologist after birth. Clinical diagnosis of chorioamnionitis presents low sensitivityand high specificity in relation to histological chorioamnionitis. Clinical suspicion of ovular infectionis highly suggestive of advanced infection with histological fetal response. Histological choriamnionitis is statistically associated with preterm labor and early clinical sepsis. Histological chorioamnionitis with fetal response is statistically associated withbronchopulmonary dysplasia and necrotizingenterocolitis
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