2014, Number 11
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MediSan 2014; 18 (11)
Effectiveness of auriculopuncture in the treatment of patients with hypertension
Alvarez CM, Camilo CVM, Barceló RM, Sánchez RL, Batista GA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1484-1489
PDF size: 97.22 Kb.
A descriptive and longitudinal study of 53 hypertensive adults belonging to the doctor’s
office No. 55 of "José Martí Pérez" University Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba was carried
out from February to September, 2012, with the objective of demonstrating the
effectiveness of the auriculopuncture in the treatment of these patients. A prevalence
of the mild hypertension (69.6%), and of the female sex (47.1%) was found. After
applying the therapy, the most frequent symptoms decreased: migraine, 50.9 - 5.6%
and the insomnia, 20.7 - 1.8%. The obtained results evidenced the effectiveness of
this non conventional treatment in 92.4% of the affected patients, at the same time
that 96.3% of satisfaction was possible with the used procedure.
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